welcome to

So Who is Ali?
Hi! That's me! I'm Ali.
I'm originally from a small town in Northern CA, but I've lived all over the past decade: Chicago, Santa Barbara, Nantucket, Atlanta, Kigali, Rwanda, and recently, Nashville.
Led by my love for exploration, found materials and textiles, I have ended up in a unique niche.
I started by creating installations for Anthropologie, but am probably best known for my lettering, which I got into because “I could never find the right font.”
My letters have shown up in all kinds of places— t-shirts, prints, RV wraps, wedding invites and independent films, festivals, temporary and permanent tattoos, greeting cards, etc. It’s been pretty wild to see all the places these letters have gone.
My work has evolved over the years- I use Instagram to talk about hard stuff- mental health, life after divorce, wrestling with faith— and my sweet spot is the messy overlap that makes most people pretty uncomfortable.
Lately I've loved sourcing beautiful handcrafted pieces from my friends and finds in East Africa. I value small business and am so happy to support these businesses with my own.
You’re welcome here, and you're in good company. Whoever, wherever you are.